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InhAbiting the Transition

the project

InhAbiting the Transition (AbiT) emerges as a groundbreaking initiative led by the Department of Architecture (DiARC) at the University of Naples Federico II. It focuses on adapting living spaces and models towards more sustainable settlement, production, and consumption patterns. The project embraces an experimental approach to architecture and design, considering historical, social, and environmental aspects.

mission and vision

We value education, innovation and collaboration

AbiT’s mission is to strengthen the Department’s capacities in addressing emerging environmental, socio-economic, and technological challenges. It seeks to navigate the transition towards more sustainable living spaces and models through an experimental approach that integrates historical, social, and environmental considerations. AbiT operates through Transitional Lab (Tlab), fostering collaborative research, education, and third mission activities.

The vision of AbiT is to establish a collaborative and integrated hub for the Department of Architecture. This ecosystem, driven by the newly established Transitional Lab, aims to leverage the expertise within the Department to enhance research, education, and third mission activities. The vision includes the development of eco-innovative solutions that improve living conditions and navigate the transition towards sustainable settlement, production, and consumption patterns.






the concept of transition

Our perspective on sustainable change

Embedded in the essence of AbiT is a profound comprehension of the concept of transition, strategically addressing the multifaceted challenges presented by contemporary ecological, technological, social, and cultural shifts. This conceptual framework stands as a response to the explicit demands outlined in the project’s mission—navigating the transition towards more sustainable settlement, production, and consumption patterns. AbiT’s vision embraces the transition as a critical juncture, necessitating the adaptation of living spaces and models. It’s an evolutionary process extending from the immediate challenges of the short term to the far-reaching transformations of the long term.

At its core, this transition is a dynamic interplay between societal evolution and the built environment. AbiT recognizes that the architectural landscape is not merely a reflection of change; it is an active participant in shaping the future. Sustainability is the guiding principle, ensuring that this transition is not just about forward movement but also about the preservation of collective values. In the words of AbiT, this means safeguarding environmental, historical, and heritage assets—a commitment outlined in its mission.

This holistic perspective transforms the concept of transition from a mere adjustment to a narrative where adaptation is coupled with innovation. It’s a strategic and thoughtful approach, where AbiT envisions a built environment that not only meets the challenges of today but also anticipates and shapes the needs of tomorrow. In this narrative, the architectural landscape becomes a canvas, a living expression of AbiT’s dedication to integrating historical, social, and environmental aspects into the fabric of sustainable design.

discover tlab

The spaces of collaboration

Transitional Lab (TLab) is the collaborative epicenter of AbiT’s endeavors: TLab serves as an architectural nexus where diverse expertise converges to pioneer experimental design and eco-innovative solutions. Beyond being a physical space, TLab encapsulates AbiT’s commitment to navigating the transition towards sustainable living through cutting-edge research and collaborative synergy.

discover habit

Designing the future

The Ph.D. Habitat in Transition (HabiT) is th realization of AbiT’s vision for sustainable living spaces. Developed by the Department of Architecture at the University of Naples Federico II, HabiT eloquently responds to the contemporary challenges outlined in the project’s mission. It is a meticulous adaptation of living spaces, harmonizing historical, environmental, and modern facets—an embodiment of AbiT’s commitment to sustainable settlement, production, and consumption patterns.

the governance

The professors and institutional figures at the forefront of shaping AbiT


Nome Cognome


Nome Cognome


Nome Cognome


Nome Cognome